Registering your Shoot
(Registered and non-registered)
Holding a Registered Archery Canada Shoot, Target, 3D, or Field:
The first step is to visit the Archery Canada Tournament Registration Instructions Website at the below link. There you will find everything you need to do to register the shoot with I@nseo and Archery Canada.
Event Registration Process with Archery Canada – Archery Canada – Archery Canada
The next step is to fill in the Shoot Application Form below. Once you hit submit all necessary Archery Alberta executives will receive a copy.
Please Note: Due to limited judges we need at least 3 weeks’ notice before shoot date.
ALSO: Archery Alberta (AA) has a policy that Provincial Shoots take precedence over club shoots, thus other registered shoots should not fall on the same weekend as any of the four Provincial Shoots.
All registered shoots will be governed by the Archery Canada/World Archery rulebook.
Archery Canada and World Archery have minimum requirements on how the range/field needs to be set up, from sound/light system layout, certified targets used & sizes, lane spaces, number signs, flags, etc. This information can be found under the section 7, 8 and 11 of the AC rulebook:
Rules Book – Archery Canada – Archery Canada
When hosting an Archery Alberta Provincial Shoot, please remember that information regarding the shoot should be approved by the AA Executive. All AA Executives are here to help with the smooth running of these events. The frame work for these shoots can be found in our constitution and policies.
Archery Alberta (ATAA) By-laws
If you have questions regarding hosting an AC or WA shoot, please feel free to email the president at [email protected] or the judge coordinator [email protected] for assistance on running and organizing a registered shoot.
Holding a Non-Registered (fun) shoot, Target or 3D.
Open the AA Shoot Application Form below. Fill out the form and fields as required.
Please submit your requests at least 3 weeks ahead of shoot event to ensure your event is published on the Archery Alberta website.
***Note- Non-registered shoots do not require judges. No form is required by Archery Canada to hold a non-registered shoot.***
Club note: The AA Executive must be informed of ALL Archery Canada registered shoots held in our Provincial boundaries regardless of organizer, facility or time.
The AA will arrange all judges regardless of shoot. Please do not make your own arrangements for judging.
Resource: Event Hosting Manual (